Approach to Enhance
Evaluation Use
"However, information does not become knowledge until it has been interpeted."
Marvin C. Alkin and Sandy M. Taut
In considering elements highlighted by Shulha and Cousins in Evaluation Use: Theory, Research and Practice Since 1986, the evaluation plan addresses a number of predictors to promote evaluation use. Highlighted below are some of the key predictors the evaluation plan touches on. I’ve touched on and grouped some of the predictors together. In looking at the evaluation plan, certain elements seemed to address these areas simultaneously.
Relevance/Client’s Need for Information
In considering the current climate at the college, the Cultural Diversity Training is very relevant. Domestic enrolment at the college is very low, whereas international student enrolment is at an all-time high. In considering the growing numbers, there is a critical need to understand how these diverse students are best supported and in evaluating how (or if) the diversity training is having an impact. In providing evaluation data, the senior leadership is better positioned to alter or augment the training and can also look at next steps for the program.
Credibility/User Involvement
The evaluation plan sets up a number of reporting tools/strategies (observations, written feedback/online feedback and focus groups) and is a comprehensive means of collecting evaluation data. The plan also seeks input from stakeholders who are involved in the Cultural Diversity awareness training at different levels (facilitators, participants, students, senior leadership team). This lends to establishing credibility and user involvement. The evaluative process is collaborative and seeks input from a good cross section of individuals. Involving stakeholders also gives them agency over their part in the process thus creating greater support in serving the interests of the program.
Communication Effectiveness/Information Processing
The evaluation plan provides diverse mediums for feedback. There are opportunities for stakeholders to participate in online surveys, offer written feedback, and participate in group/two-way dialogues with regard to the program; in offering different methods of feedback will help to strengthen the effectiveness. This will also serve to build more awareness. Final reports including survey results, focus group summaries and student feedback will be sent to the senior management team and will inform management at the highest levels. Follow-up meetings to discuss the reports with senior management will further assist in clarifying information, highlighting recommendations and encouraging next steps.