Step One: Introducing the Idea
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
--Helen Keller
This week on Tuesday October 25, I took the opportunity to introduce my goal to faculty at the college. We had a planned PD session and it seemed an ideal opportunity to address the team.
To set up an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Faculty Learning Community as a professional development model for our program and give team members the opportunity to share best practices and learn from each other.
Providing Goal Context
I spoke about my GDPI-PME 800 Self-Regulated Inquiry & Learning course and my Goal Setting assignment.
I shared my vision and the website that I will use to document my progress.
I invited team to give input and feedback at any time during the process.
I need to provide more specifics (not enough detail).
Although I spoke about my vision with faculty and suggested some potential opportunities for shared learning, the presentation would have been more impactful with a visual representation of the faculty learning community. I did not want to limit the concept to my own personal vision, and hoped that the opening comments and website would spark discussion - it did not.
Develop a visual outline which sets out the faculty learning community as I envision it. Share information electronically along with a feedback form. Deadline for dissemination - Friday November 4th, with a request for feedback by Monday November 7th.
Reflecting on the Process
Presenting to my peers was intimidating. I reflected on why this might be and recognized that it had much to do with my own self-efficacy beliefs. Introducing myself as a learner in the PME program made me feel very vulnerable, and revealing that I was working on my Masters (when many of my peers already have theirs) also added to my angst. At the end, when the group did not immediately respond to the presentation, I was convinced that they didn't like the idea and would be reluctant to participate. Surprisingly, after PD session ended, I was approached by five of the faculty, and organically a discussion ensued about the endless possibilities for a faculty learning community ensued. I was both elated and inspired to forge ahead.
In retrospect, I properly I think it would have been more impactful to provide a clearer framework for the faculty learning community and a mechanism for faculty to provide input.
Although the initial introduction of the goal needs some follow-up, I am going to adjust and follow up with faculty and provide a more specific framework for them to see. I still feel very motivated to move forward, especially after my post-PD impromptu discussion. The input was helpful and from there I feel like I know what I need (want) to do.
I am even more optimistic about the faculty learning community and am now contemplating whether this faculty learning community could have a broader application across the college (setting a higher goal). I see value in offering this opportunity to faculty in other program areas. It would be very advantageous to provide insight to all faculty into teaching strategies for international students in the post-secondary classroom.
Next Steps
prepare more detailed outline regarding faculty learning community (November 4th deadline)
prepare feedback tool for faculty input (November 4th deadline)
disseminate to faculty asking for feedback (feedback November 7th deadline